Courtesy of: SinusInfectionHelp
Sinusitis or sinus infection is a lingering troublesome ailment which ultimately tells on the general health. The sinuses are cavities and inside these cavities are mucosal linings. The lining of the sinuses provides a very important and essential function in that they protect the body from dust, pollens, other foreign matter and pathogens in the air we breathe.
The surface of this lining is made up of soft membrane-like tissues which is densely populated with microscopic hair-like cilia. The cilia act like oars to drain the mucus produced naturally by the body. These mucus, together with trapped allergens and pathogens, are then flushed out to the stomach via the back of the throat.
This is the way your body prevents bacteria load from building up within the nasal passages. Healthy and proper cilia function is essential for optimum nasal health. When mucociliary function becomes dysfunctional, inflammation of the mucous membranes results and sinus obstruction caused by abnormal secretions of mucus within the sinus cavities lead to an increased pressure. This then translates into pain and discomfort.
The abnormal amount of mucus production leads to increased episodes of post nasal drip. Increased post-nasal drip activity is a significant sinus infection symptom.
The body's natural defences in the nose reacts to bacterial or virus intrusion by forming extra mucus. If this extra mucus production cannot drain off efficiently, they tend to block the natural ventilation through the sinuses. The result is an infection caused by these bacteria and virus proliferating in a conducive environment. Hence the term sinus infection.
Usually the human body hosts bacteria like streptococcus and the like with no adverse effects. It is only when the body's natural defences are low that these pathogens get an upper hand.
People suffering from fungal infections, allergic reactions to certain types of food and drugs, related illnesses such as bronchitis, asthma and HIV, have a higher chance of sinusitis recurring.
So, can sinus infection cause you pain and discomfort? The answer is, undoubtedly, yes! Sinus infection symptoms include puffy eyes and early morning headaches in the frontal sinus region. Soreness and tenderness in the areas below the eye sockets are common. Many will also feel discomfort and pain in the region between the eyes.
Sinus infection affects nearly 37 million Americans annually. Some people may be born with a predisposition towards sinus infection, whereas other people could develop it after an accident or surgery which changes the anatomy of the nose.
Correspondingly, millions of dollars are spent in search for a long-term effective treatment. Today, ENT specialists utilize a procedure known as Nasal Endoscopy to diagnose sinus infection. This involves inserting a flexible fiber-optic tube with a light and camera at its tip into the nose to examine the nasal passages and sinuses. If the condition is deemed acute or chronic, an x-ray or CT scan of the sinuses may be called as well.
Sinus infection treatment options for mild cases of sinus infection include decongestants, pain killers and antibiotics. In chronic cases, doctors will prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs such as steroid nasal sprays together with oral corticosteroids.
For young children, the usage of steroids has to be monitored closely for it can inhibit their growth if taken for long periods. Surgery is undertaken as a last recourse. Home remedies for sinus infection consist of inhalation of steam, saline nasal flushes and hot compresses placed on the forehead and facial region.
Do not swim where the pools have much chlorine in them during a sinus infection.
Air travel during an attack of sinusitis can be extremely uncomfortable and should be avoided if possible.
The bottom line is to lead a temperate life breathing in clean, fresh air and daily cleansing of the sinus passages through nasal irrigation which is an all natural cure sinus infection remedy adopted by millions worldwide.
This should effectively help in the control of recurring sinus infection.
I hate sinus infections.
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